  1.  17
    and STUERMAN, W. E. Philosophy and the American Heritage. [REVIEW]P. B. D. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):343-343.
    Directed to the non-philosopher, this is an attempt to sketch briefly a public philosophy for contemporary America. It attacks the "enfeebling naturalism" of Dewey and espouses the right of suffrage as the most fundamental right of man.--D. P. B.
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  2.  63
    Essays in Ontology. [REVIEW]P. B. D. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):638-638.
    Essays by E. B. Allaire, May Brodbeck, Reinhart Grossmann, Herbert Hochberg and Robert G. Turnbull, most of which have already appeared since 1959. Half of the essays argue answers of a realist type to contemporary statements of traditional ontological problems. The second half of the volume studies the ontological "systems" of Ockhom, Berkeley, Frege, Moore, Wittgenstein, Quine and Dewey from a realistic standpoint. Three previously unpublished essays are included: "Particulars and Time", "Common Names", and "The 'Tractatus': Nominalistic or Realistic?". An (...)
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  3. Francis Bacon: His Career and His Thought. [REVIEW]P. B. D. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (1):163-163.
    The major portion of the book is devoted to an extensive treatment of Bacon's political and legal career. Against this background, Anderson traces the emergence of Bacon's inductive method, from his rejection of Peripatetic principles in the Advancement of Learning to the triumph of the method with the Royal Society. The conspicuous absence of footnotes and bibliography detracts from this otherwise thorough and sympathetic study of Bacon.--D. P. B.
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  4.  10
    Gralsschöpfung. [REVIEW]P. B. D. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (1):151-152.
    The author sees Parsifal as setting the essential problem for the present age. From a study of the grail myths, Spieler attempts to point the way to a synoptic view of experience. Basic to the project is his view that everything is a product of the logos which permeates all of reality. It is by virtue of the logical law, as the causal nexus of experience, that a reconciliation of fragmented experience is seen to be possible. A carefully documented and (...)
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  5.  19
    Language and Reasoning. [REVIEW]P. B. D. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (4):676-676.
    An introductory text which deals with several of the basic problems of semantical and logical analysis. Most of the discussion is devoted to problems of usage, rules, inference, and validity. A rather cumbersome symbolism results from the author's explicit attempt to treat these problems with the formal tools of elementary symbolic logic.--D. P. B.
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  6.  18
    Thomas d'Aquin et l'analyse linguistique. [REVIEW]P. B. D. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):630-630.
    A brief statement of medieval linguistic analysis as found chiefly in the works of Thomas Aquinas. A thin survey of contemporary analysis is offered in order to contrast the purported acceptance of analysis as the end of philosophy with Thomas' use of analysis as method. Unfortunately, most of the constructive work in language analysis during the past ten years is not considered. The brevity of the text precludes persuasive treatment; yet the book succeeds in its expressed purpose of sketching some (...)
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  7.  26
    Western Views of Islam in the Middle Ages. [REVIEW]P. B. D. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (1):151-151.
    Southern examines three phases in the development of the western view of Islam from 650 to 1570. In an historical study of these phases he traces the gradual emergence of a critical spirit of inquiry regarding Islam. The author argues that "... medieval scholars and men of affairs came up against problems with which, in a different context, we are familiar."--D. P. B.
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